Welcome to our page which was created to celebrate and share our joy of getting married!
Please view pictures form our wedding ceremony. This page is going to be continuously expanding and improving so come and visit it from time to time.

Thomas and Anna


----------- View our wedding pictures here! ----------- View all of the pictures here! ----------- View Movies here! -----------

Thomas and Anna

Thomas and Anna

We have decided to have our wedding vows confirmed in a Catholic Church Event in Sacred Hearts Mission Church on Maui on April 22nd, 2009. The wedding will take place at GTM-10:00 (5:00 pm on Maui). The ceremony will be available to you for viewing LIVE OVER THE INTERNET.

We’re so excited to have you along with all our other friends and family join us for this special day in our lives. To sign up to the guest list, simply click on the following link and fill in your name and email address. This is an important page and is the home of the webcast. You will receive wedding date reminders and webcast viewing instructions through the emails.

Ania i ja zdecydowalismy sie potwierdzic nasz zwiazek malzenski ceremonia w Katolickim kosciele pod wezwaniem Najswietszego Cerca na Maui na Hawajach 22-go kwietnia, 2009. Slub odbedzie sie o GTM-10:00 (17 godzinie czasu Maui). Ceremonia bedzie transmitowana na zywo przez Internet.

Bardzo sie cieszymy, ze dzieki technologi nasza rodzina i znajomi moga byc razem z nami w tym specjalnym dla nas dniu. Aby sie zapisac na web cast, kliknij linka ponizej i tam podaj swoje nazwisko i email. Po zapisaniu sie dostaniecie przypomnienia i instrukjce.

======> Thomas and Anna Live Maui Web Cast. <======

Thank you so much for your love and support and we hope to see you at the wedding!

Check out my homepage!

Please email us at thomasandanna@thomasandanna.com